
Happy New Year to all of our Central families! 2023 will bring fresh beginnings and positive changes. We love the promise of the New Year and all of the possibilities that exist for children here at Central and their future. The new year has brought the Central staff and students back from the holiday break with excitement and rejuvenation. We continue to be dedicated to meeting the needs of each and every student at Central.

Instructional Assistant: Central Elementary is still in need of adding an Instructional Assistant to our staff. If you have a love for helping children reach their potential, please give me a call. A degree is NOT required, only a willingness to be here daily when our students are here in school. Please let me know if you or someone you know might be interested or have questions about the position. “Come join our school family!” 

Martin Luther King Day – Monday, January 16 There will be no school unless for some reason we would have to close our school beforehand. The weather forecast looks amazing right now. School attendance: Our student attendance is improving. However, for those students that have missed multiple days for one reason or another, it is extremely important that families pay close attention to our school policy. A student cannot miss more than 9 days a school year without a physician’s excuse. Our office sends out absence letters on the 5th , 7 th and 9 th absence. If a student violates that policy, we are required to submit documentation to the Putnam County Juvenile Court and that department will contact families. There are no approved family vacation days nor can a student participate on-line vs in-person learning. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about our corporation policy. Families can also see our full attendance policy on our School Website under “Student Handbook.”

As always, thank you for the opportunity to serve your children.

Todd Gowen, Principal